Teaching & Mentoring


I have always believed that educators have the uncanny ability to shape the lives of those around them. While at Brown University and Mount Sinai I have served as a teaching assistant for two courses at each institution. This past summer I was invited to give a 3-part science communication workshop to the undergraduate students participating in Mount Sinai’s summer undergraduate research program. In this course I covered a couple key skills for succeeding in graduate school, including how to describe your science in interviews, deliver effective elevator pitches, and develop productive poster presentations.


I am a Big Sister with Big Brothers Big Sisters of America and have mentored two high school students as they navigate AP exams, internship applications, and the college search process. This is an incredibly rewarding program and I highly recommend volunteering as a Big! I am also an Ambassador for Big Brothers Big Sisters of New York City, where I work with BBBS staff to provide programmatic feedback and brainstorm new initiatives.